As a professional Unit Still Photographer I will connect with your cast and crew to create the iconic photographs you need to draw attention to your film or television project.
Working invisibly with two silent Canon R5 cameras and a variety of top shelf lenses
my images are perfectly exposed and sharp. 
Filming in the dark? Not a problem, my glass is FAST. 
Doing a Stunt that only gets one take? I’ll nail it.
Need a professional who can set up a photo strobe studio and seamless at your location? I have you covered.

Need a photographer who will work with your talent to produce creative key artwork that gets people excited about what you are doing? I am that guy.
Want engrossing behind the scenes images showing how hard each crew member works and makes them look cool doing it? That’s one of my favorite parts of the job.

I know how to stay out of the way of the crew and not be a distraction to the cast. 
I’ve worked on set photographing interiors, food, animals, and children. 

I do not have a problem with overnights, overtime, or travel. 

I am NOT Union YET but I’m working hard to collect the days necessary to garner placement on the Industry Experience Roster and join Local 600. 

I LOVE my job and I get excited every time I am on set. 

Movie and Television Photography is ALL I DO.

I also love talking about photography, movies, and television. Even if you do not have a job for me yet I hope you will reach out and say hi! 



Image: Chris Haston NBC/Universal